Practice and Safety

This page lists the different “intensity levels” for drills and sparring we do in practice, and outlines the specific safety requirements for each. All equipment must conform to the HEMA Alliance Safety Policy for the intensity level of practice.

Fencers may always opt to wear more protection than required.

Protective equipment requirements do not vary by gender. All fencers are expected to comply with all protective equipment requirements. Variances may be possible to accommodate individual physical needs arising from anatomy or disability, but this must be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and an equally-protective alternative must be devised. Please contact us if you have concerns or questions; all such inquiries will be kept in confidence

Sword Safety

Fencers may use their own sword at any time, provided that it meets safety requirements.

Blade tips must be blunted, and pointed or broken blades cannot be used regardless of additional safety tip. Blades must be blunt on the edges and free of major burrs.

Safety Tips

While they do change the feel of fencing, rubber or leather safety tips are required for most practice activities. This allows fencers to safely wear substantially less armor for low-intensity activities.

Spatulated/swelled blade tips may be used without a rubber tip only when both fencers have padding or hard armor over all target areas. In this case, tips with diameter smaller than 8.5mm must be wrapped around the circumference with two or more layers of tear-resistant, fiber-backed tape such as packing tape.

All other tip types, including rolled tips, require a rubber or leather tip for all activities.

Practice Activities

Solo Drills

These are drills performed without any live partner or opponent.

  • No protective requirements

Cooperative Partner Drills

Making up the bulk of fencing practice, these are drills performed with a partner where both fencers “know the script” and go along with it. These may be specific sequences of actions for each fencer; varied attacks on a specific target; variable applications of the same technique with predetermined roles; or any other drill designed to teach a particular fencing skill or technique and where there is no adversarial aspect. Speeds vary from glacial to medium.

  • Rubber tips on all swords, regardless of blade tip type
  • Mask

Non-cooperative Partner Drills

These are drills much like those above, intended to work a specific technique, skill, target area, or other narrowly-defined goal, but with an adversarial aspect. Within the confines of the drill, fencers earnestly attempt to thwart the other’s intentions. This can include low-intensity “slow play” fencing.

  • Rubber tips on all swords, regardless of blade tip type
  • Mask
  • Gorget

Light Sparring / Free Play

This is free and adversarial fencing with training and education, not competition, as the primary purpose. Fencers may be pleased or displeased about meeting their own training goals for a sparring session, but it is not an event that can be lost or won. No one loses since they’ve gained experience, and anyone bragging about “winning” will be ridiculed.

  • Rubber tips on all swords, regardless of blade tip type
  • Mask
  • Jacket
  • Gorget
  • Gloves (both hands: rapier or low-profile by fencer’s choice)
  • Groin protector
  • Cuts to the sword hand are not permitted
  • Takedowns and wrestling are not permitted

Competitive / Earnest Sparring

This is an earnest test of fencing skill, constrained only by safety, honor, and respect. Because no targets are off-limits except the back of the head and the sword hand, and fencers may use spatulated blades without rubber tips, this level of intensity requires complete coverage of the body. Absolutely any activity where the fencers care who “wins”, for any reason including bragging rights, is considered earnest sparring.

  • Rubber tips on non-spatulated blades, by fencer’s personal preference on spatulated blades
  • Mask
  • Jacket
  • Gorget
  • Gloves (sword hand: rapier or low-profile by fencer’s choice, off hand: rapier or heavier)
  • Groin protector
  • Legs must be fully covered to the ankle, and pants are recommended
  • Hard elbow protection
  • Hard knee protection
  • Hard or padded thigh protection
  • Hard or padded shin protection
  • Cuts to the sword hand are not permitted
  • Takedowns and wrestling are permitted only if both fencers wish and the fencing surface is suitable